Tawakkol Karman, donates her Nobel Peace Prize money- $500,000 to
Yemen peaceful revolution victims
Albaidanews-Tawakkol Karman, the Nobel Peaceprize laureate for 2011,
has donated her cash prize to the wounded and families of those killed
during the Arab Spring revolution in Yemen. A status update on her
Facebook page revealed that she had given her $500,000 prize money to
charity.. . "I have waited for this to dedicate the most precious of
what I own to the greatest of those whom I have ever loved," she wrote
to her followers in facebook. The donation has gone to the "Aid Fund
for Families of Martyrs and Wounded in the (2011) Peaceful
Revolution," set up by President Abdrabuh Mansur Hadi, she said. Hadi,
quoted by state news agency Saba, paid tribute to "this humanitarian
gesture" and Karman's "loyalty" to the revolt, which led to the
February 2012 ouster of his predecessor, longtime strongman Ali
Abdullah Saleh. "This is my duty to the youths who sacrificed for
change and to build a Yemen founded on freedom, justice, equality and
good governance," Karman said, She had finalized her $500,000 donation
to the victims of the peaceful revolution fund during a public
ceremony attended by wounded, families of martyrs ,HE the Prime
Minister, a number of ministers, leaderships of political parties,
delegates in the National Dialogue Conference and Mr. Jamal Benomar
the Special Adviser of the UN Secretary General and Envoy to Yemen The
Speech by Mrs. Tawakkol Karman during the ceremony held to donate the
financial part of her Nobel Peace Prize to the Fund created for the
wounded youth and the families of the martyrs of the peaceful youth
revolution- February 11 th and the peaceful southern movement. Dear
families of our great martyrs Dear injured heroes The youth of the
peaceful revolution and the peaceful southern movement Your Excellency
Prime Minister Mohammed Salem Basindwa Mr. Jamal Benomar, The Special
Envoy of the UN Secretary-General Mr. Ban Ki Moon Dear Ladies and
Gentlemen May Peace be Upon You all The moment I was announced the
winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, I felt that the money is not mine
just as much as the moral value of the prize isn't exclusive to
Tawakkol and her family. This is what I said in the Change Square only
hours after I had been announced winner. The world, as it honored
Tawakkol Karman, was honoring the great peaceful struggle of the
Yemeni people which manifested in the youth revolution and the
southern movement. If it wasn't for these two revolutions, Yemen
wouldn't have received the prize and if I weren't a Yemeni, I wouldn't
have received it on your behalf. The Nobel Peace Prize did not come in
isolation from the struggle of the peaceful and brave Yemenis. I
reaffirm that this prize was given to them and I'm only one of them.
I'm certain that the Nobel Peace Prize is closely linked to these two
significant events in our rich history. Today, the Fund dedicated to
the injured youth and the families of the martyrs of the peaceful
revolution and the southern movement is another chapter of the
long-standing and deep connection I had with both. I'm totally at awe.
I admit; this is a turning point in my life. Today, I deposit the
first amount in the first institution created to take care of the
wounded and families of the martyrs from the peaceful revolution and
southern movement. I have a dream; to build institutions one after
another, make accomplishments and move forward to unlimited horizons.
I know it's a humble contribution and I recognize that the mission and
goals require a hundredfold. But I feel that I'm leaving a part of my
soul here. I leave here the most valuable thing I have to the most
precious people I love. It is a symbolic gesture in the way towards a
promising future that we take part in shaping and where everyone give
their best or their most. Future starts now with the first institution
dedicated entirely for the peaceful revolution and southern movement.
This is the birth of the struggle for building, for the future. I have
nothing but trust in the Fund's Chairwoman. Sara belongs to the youth,
to their revolution and movement and enjoys their confidence and
admiration. I'm certain that she will lay the foundations of integrity
and good governance and make every effort to realize all the
objectives of this institution so as to provide a decent and free
living standard to the injured persons and the families of the martyrs
from the peaceful revolution and the southern movement. Dear Ladies
and Gentlemen; I have a dream of a safe future without conflicts nor
violence. A future where coexistence, partnership, diversity and
multiplicity prevail. A future where we turn the page of wars in
Saada, the south and everywhere in a spirit of tolerance and
forgiveness. Without a national civil and peaceful project that leaves
the past behind and embarks on a future of integration, coexistence
and peace to replace conflicts and revenge; in a spirit of absolute
tolerance and absolute strictness that future conflicts, corruption or
violations will not be allowed anymore; Forgiveness for anything is
conditioned to not forgiving anything that may bring back the
conflicts of the past; Without this, everyone will only live the
present and move forward to conflict but with bigger potentials,
hatred and increasing tendency for revenge. Unfortunately, some may
say that the youth revolution and the southern movement have given the
past parties of conflict a room to renew the cycles of conflict and
dominate the future using the past tools. This, in my belief, is
something neither the youth revolution nor the southern movement will
ever allow. The creative and peaceful spirit of both will beat revenge
and retaliation. Absolute love will tame hatred. Dear Ladies and
Gentlemen, The great sacrifices of the martyrs and injured youth from
both revolutions put us all before a historical entitlement that we
can't move on without achieving it. Justice, equality, freedom,
dignity, accountability, the rule of law and equal citizenship are
some of the principles they had longed for.. Rejecting injustice and
corruption was one of their goals and we all owe them so much. Justice
and equality, the present and the future are all subject to providing
a settlement to the martyrs and injured youth dossier. A settlement
that fulfills their objectives, ends past violations, guarantees
justice and equity for them and their families and provide the
recognition, honoring and redress they deserve. Afterwards, the
martyrs and injured persons will not be harmed if their killers were
granted a pardon conditioned on non-recurrence provided that they are
immediately charged in case of recurrence. The martyrs and injured
victims can only be hurt when we give the policies they rose against a
chance to reproduce themselves in the future and to continue in the
present. A martyr doesn't die. When he gives the cause his blood, he
gives it immortality and he makes victory, although delayed, but never
impossible. A martyr doesn't die; he takes the form of his cause.. A
martyr is immortalized in the cause he died for... A martyr is a fair
cause and life vision that transcends time and place. The sacrifices
are only brought up whenever a cause repeats itself. The martyrs and
the wounded are not just numbers. When we talk about them in the
context of a peaceful revolution then we're talking about a fair cause
and great sacrifice, we are talking about turning points and
transformations. Otherwise, there will be people who don't appreciate
sacrifices as they should and don't sense the responsibility on their
shoulders. The sacrifices of the freedom fighters can't be gauged in
spatial dimensions nor in time. They take a prominent space in the
history of the mankind where human fighters struggle for freedom.
Whoever kills a soul is like he had killed the entire mankind and
whoever liberates a soul is like he had liberated humanity. Avenging
the death of a martyr can be through advocating the cause. There is no
revenge with the killer who is just a tool for bad politics against
which the martyrs rose up and sacrificed to get rid of. This tool may
continue to be a tool of evil and consequently not worthy to be
considered on equal footing with the wounded or martyrs. However, this
tool may have repented and regretted past deeds which makes it part of
the civil project and the fair cause of the martyr. Martyrs have no
revenge with persons. Their revenge is with policies, approaches,
programs and misconduct. Martyrs have no revenge with the killers
unless they repeated their mistakes and insisted on doing them in the
future. Dear Ladies and Gentlemen Instead of holding tribunals of
killers, let's hold one for the policy of killing, injustice and
aggression for the sake of the present and the future. This is the
most important measure..this is how to revenge the death of the
martyr..this is creative revenge. This doesn't come out of fear,
failure or change of course. It is neither a turning back or a
confiscation of the right in justice and equity. Settling past
disputes, ending grievances and providing redress is an imperative
procedure for justice. However, it is less important than protecting
the present by taking measures to guarantee non-recurrence. When
killers are involved in killing again and when they insist on
obstructing change and preventing the move towards a new future; when
they long to come back to dominating the present and future; when they
intend to undermine the ambitions for change, then their tribunal is
not for them but for their wrong policies and behavior. Thus, it is
not personal. It is a fight between dark ideologies and open- minded
thoughts; between the wild and barbarian forces against the civilized
ones. Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: With all due respect to the
constituencies and delegates in the National Dialogue Conference; It
is fair to say that the vast majority of the Yemeni people remain
outside the Movenpick Hotel. In fact, a large segment of the
population remains outside the structured parties and organizations.
The NDC constitutes a huge part of the people but can't speak or
decide on their behalf as it wasn't authorized to. The delegates
merely made a promise to present good suggestions for a better future.
They are the ones who promised a better free life to the people. This
is what determines their legitimacy and whether they are trustworthy
or fake leaders. To the National Dialogue Conference; If the
solutions, policies and consensuses led to a better future, you are
representing the people. If they led to the repeating the cycles of
violence, corruption, conflict and failure then you haven't fulfilled
your promise. To the feuding brothers of Saada who are fighting
despite participating in dialogue; You are sending a very wrong
message.. You undermine the confidence people had at you that you are
serious in presenting solutions for past mistakes while on the ground
if you don't stop fighting you will be telling everyone that the
different parties are only ready to destroy the future and consolidate
the use of force and iron fist instead of coexistence, partnership and
respect of diversity. To both parties killing each other in Saada I
say; Give yourselves peace before you give it to the people. Do
yourselves a favor before you give one to your citizens in all times
and places. The sacrifices of the martyrs and wounded of two great
revolutions over the course of 5 years of struggle call upon you to
drop your arms, get over the past and move on. A nation with thousands
of peaceful martyrs in 5 years isn't an ordinary nation; When God
gives a country this number of noble and brave sons; this is a country
we have to be proud of. It is a giant magnificent country.. And it is
a glorious respectable and trustworthy nation I'm not trying to be a
hero here. I'm just getting everything back to where it began. Out of
my pride of the two peaceful revolutions of the youth and the southern
movement, I take pride in the prize. I am prouder of being one of the
people who fought alongside the martyrs, the wounded and all the great
revolutionaries as my pride of the Nobel Peace Prize. Dear Ladies and
Gentlemen; My share of the Noble Peace Prize in 2011 is half a million
US dollar. The amount was transferred to my account in Bank five
months after I had received the prize. After deducting the transfer
costs, the amount received in my account was four hundred and seventy
six thousand and one hundred and ninety dollars and forty three cents.
The amount remained in my account for over a year, incurring interests
at seven thousand six hundred fifty two USD and forty eight cents in
2012. Therefore, the total amount which will be submitted to the Fund
today is four hundred eighty three thousand eight hundred forty two
dollars and ninety one cents. The interest rate for 2013 will be
directly transferred to the Fund as soon as we get a notice from the
bank. I hope I have lived up to my promise. I now invite my dear
friend Sara Abdullah Hasan to the podium to receive the check of the
amount توكل تمنح مبلغ 0
#Tawakkol Karman, donates her #Nobel Peace Prize #money- $500,000 to
#Yemen peaceful revolution victims -
البيضـــاء نيـــوز